Friday, January 10, 2020


Esther Pollock here. You probably know me from my brief stint as a stunt double for Jennifer Lien as Kess on Star Trek: Voyager. I'm also a licensed shiatsu massage therapist and notary public on the weekends. Most of all, I am the creative genius behind Fire Mountaim Gems.

2020 marks my 14th year here at Fire Mountain Gems, and to celebrate we've designed some of the most audacious jewelery in the history of jewelry. Itself. Think about that. Let that sit with you for a while.

Let's jump right in!
"Double Deco" by Bettye Monzo

Bettye (pronounced bett-yeh) from Muncie, Indiana made this by hand and with little tweezers and a magnifying glass and a lot patience and good strong drink. Modeled by Gertrude from our Order Fulfillment Department. Perfect with a nondescript grey comfy-shirt. I would wear a design like this around the house on a day off. Unshowered.

"Twilight" by Guzialia Reed

"Keep it simple, Guzialia!" I said to her, but there you are. Modeled by Candace from our Pagan Relations Department. This piece covetted by banshees across the globe was once worn by Loreena McKennitt during her '02 tour, Canadian Witchcraft: An Ode to the Hurdy Gurdy. I love a 73 minute long lament featuring the lush sounds of the accordian, don't you? Truth be told, Loreena was later hospitalized due to a neck injury caused by the weight of this piece. Classic Guzialia.

"A Song of Ice and Fire" by Tatiana Van Iten

I had suggested "A Santa Beard from Far Away" as a working title but some people don't take kindly to humorous scenarios. This piece is great if you are cosplaying as an anthropomorphic ostrich flamenco dancer who is a widow in the Roaring Twenties. Prohibition Chic.

Good band name.

That's all for now, but stay tuned! 2020 has only just begun and me and the girls are just getting warmed up.

Best Wishes,

Esther Pollock
Head Designer
Fire Mountain Gems

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